
Welcome to Uncorpo.fr, the ultimate destination for urban minds passionate about board sports. Our brand was born from the fusion between the adrenaline of urban sports such as skateboarding and BMX, and the infinite freedom of board sports such as surfing and snowboarding. At Uncorpo.fr, we don't just sell clothes, we embody a way of life where action, design and personal expression meet.

Our history

Founded in 2023,  Uncorpo.fr was born from shared enthusiasm for urban and board sports. Our team of enthusiasts has created a brand that transcends fleeting trends to capture the very essence of urban adventure.

Our mission

At Uncorpo.fr, our mission is to provide a platform for intrepid minds who see the streets as a playground and the waves as a canvas for expression. We believe in the power of design to reflect passion for action and love of adventure.

What Defines Us

  • Authentic Design: Each creation at Uncorpo.fr is imbued with authentic design, inspired by the raw energy of urban and board sports.
  • Sport and Style United: We believe that sport and style are not separate entities. Our collection is designed for performance as much as aesthetics.
  • Commitment to Urban Culture: More than a brand, we are immersed in urban culture. We support and celebrate the creativity and individuality that define our communities.

Explore with Us

At Uncorpo.fr, we invite you to explore with us, whether on the asphalt of busy streets or on the raging waves of the ocean. Discover our range dedicated to the heroes of urban and board sports, where each piece tells a story of adventure and personal expression.

Thank you for being part of the Uncorpo.fr community, where design meets action, and where every day is an opportunity to live to the fullest.